Portrait of a City: Ahmedabad

Although my जन्मभूमि (birthplace), I had not come closer to Ahmedabad until I walked the familiar streets with a camera. This album is my most intimate encounter with the city where I have spent three decades of my life.
December 2021, Ahmedabad: Sidi Saiyyed mosque and its reflection in wudu khana or ablution pond

Although my जन्मभूमि (birthplace), I had not come closer to Ahmedabad until I walked the familiar streets with a camera. Be it the architecture, food, culture – and now the UNESCO World Heritage status, Ahmedabad is indeed unique for many reasons. This ongoing album is my most intimate encounter with the city where I have spent three decades of my life. Through architecture, culture, markets, streets, and more, I attempt to showcase the daily life of Ahmedabad.

Years: 2020 – Ongoing